“Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Journey Writers Lounge

Consider Joining Us If You Are:

Struggling with life issues?

In need of support and encouragement?

Eager to see what God will do with your writing?

Desire or wish to go on a journey?

Looking for your community?

As a writer, your calling is to create works that are transcendent and transformative. But to do that, you need a supportive community that encourages you to trust God as your creative guide.

Enter the Journey Writers Lounge - this is a vibrant space where you can discover your literary home. Here, the entire focus isn't on the art itself, but on empowering you, the writer, to grow into your identity in Christ.

Community involvement, travel, outreach, and education are the cornerstones of our community. Whether you're just starting or you're a seasoned writer, this community will provide the knowledge, support, accountability, and inspiration you need to see your writing dreams come to life.

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Lounge Member Benefits

  • Discover the power of community to elevate your writing and nourish your creative spirit. Whether you're an aspiring or experienced writer, the Journey Writer Community provides the connection, inspiration, and guidance to help you grow.

    • Connect with a virtual network of fellow authors and aspiring writers

    • Participate in enriching book clubs and member-exclusive content

    • Access spiritual support resources such as prayer groups, bible study, devotionals, challenges, and support groups

  • Whether you're seeking a solo adventure or a shared experience with your writer's group, our travel group offers a transformative getaway designed to initiate or reignite your passion and amplify your writing abilities.

    •  Exclusive community of fellow writers who love to travel

    •   Revitalizing mission/outreach trips tailored for our journey writer community

    •    Discounted pricing for our Journey writer retreat, book lover tour, and our writer's mental health and well-being retreat

  • At Sapience Atelier, we believe that every word you write has the power to transform lives. That's why we've curated a comprehensive hub of knowledge, resources, and community to help you navigate the path from a current or aspiring writer to authorpreneur with a distinct and well identified brand that offers diverse products and services beyond your book.

    •  Member Only Exclusive Discount Access Authorpreneur Workshops: Doc, a published author, graduate business professor, and entrepreneur, will teach you how to construct a business starting with writing, self-publishing, and branding your book. Also, discover how to sell services and products beyond your book.

    • Member Only Discounted Book Branding Consultations: Unsure of where you want to go with your author brand? Need advice on how to position yourself? These individual consultations with Doc are created to not just educate current and aspiring writers but motivate, encourage, and walk along side as you transition into the writer and leader God has called you to be.

    •  Member Only Discount : Current and Aspiring Author website development and design.

    •  Members Only Discount: Custom created PLR digital content and license for use on your website

We're excited to have you as a member of our new community and we look forward to God’s transformative impact in your life, which will be reflected in your words for others. Above all, we look forward to fellowshipping with current and aspiring writers who desire to put their trust in God and let Him guide their writing journey.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.