About Dr. Charis Rooks
Hi, I am Dr. Charis Rooks, but you can call me Doc if you like. I'm not a huge fan of reading lengthy biographies to get to know someone. So as an alternative, I'll share my passion with you as if we were sitting across from each other in a coffee shop.
My deepest heart desire is to help other authors discover their unique abilities and use them to advance God's kingdom via their writing. My journey to being an advocate for current and aspiring writers began when I experienced significant and numerous life traumas in one year, with the most heartbreaking being my mother's unexpected passing. In the midst of my overwhelming grief and repeated setbacks, I began to doubt my ability to obey God and respond to his call to write again.
To tell you the truth, if God had revealed to me what was to come in 2023 before establishing Inspired Grace Ministries, Melted Hearts, Sapience Atelier, and writing, I would have said no and walked away. I would have ran to tell you the truth, and said, "God, you can have all of that just give my life back before 2023." In 2023, I lost my mother, my home, my business, my mind, my health, my finances, and an abundance of relationships that had to be put on hold because I was unraveling. This is on top of everything else I had going on: anxieties, uncertainties, rejections, and insecurities. It was during this time I wondered why God let the storms of life happen one after the other without giving me a chance to get back up before being struck down again. At that moment, I vowed to myself that I would never write again. I was sick of it all; I felt exhausted, drained of life, and worst of all I missed my mom. So instead, I decided to concentrate on trying to hold myself up before I got hit again. The only problem was I still heard the word “write”.
My urge to assist other writers intensified not long after I chose to go to bible college rather than a mental institution to comprehend the severity of the attacks on my life. As a biblical studies student, I began to understand why I was being attacked and how to respond to it with the word of God. I also felt others needed to know how to do the same, especially writers. So I'd take notes for myself on one side of my notebook, and notes for current and aspiring writers on the other. I kept thinking to myself, "This is great; maybe I can write this all down and share it with other writers when I meet them." Little did I know, this was only the beginning of what was to come.
After relocating across the country, losing everything, and learning how painful it is to be refined by fire as God changed my life, it brought me to where I am now. It was painful, no, it was excruciating, but that pain gave birth to my biggest desire, and now I'm on a never-ending journey to create resources that will identify, activate, educate, motivate, testify, and support current and aspiring writers of all literary genres and backgrounds. I've made it my personal goal to ignite the hearts of God's Kingdom writers dealing with an overwhelming number of life challenges, empowering them to build the kingdom via their testimony and their God-given call to write. Consider me a mentor who can assist you in starting or restarting your writing process, especially if you are struggling to write as a result of life challenges or personal insecurities.
On a more personal note, I love reading, writing the bible by hand, teaching, playing the flute, traveling, water aerobics, spending time with my husband, two daughters, grandson, our families, and of course, our two fur babies Cashew and Marshmellow.